Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

The social ideas of marketing for the travel industry

Online social networks: travel agents or anyone involved in associated companies were recently given a gift on a silver platter. The travel industry has been driven by the good word of mouth and other forms of interaction. Facebook, Twitter and many other places for new ways to increase - and profits - to new heights. In recent days, the travel agency mainly for ads in the papers and recommendations of a relatively small network of existing customers. The old ", said two people, two people, making four, sixteen ..." and so on, could really only go so far. The problem is that the threads of the fabric of man, "broke in too many places, containment.

Today, this reinforcing effect is then amplified many times. There are millions of people on MySpace, Facebook, and the rest. This increases the likelihood that some word of mouth continues in one direction, even if it is another stop. Facebook is a good example. Creating a business site Facebook, the tasks for you and see you soon. You have the ability to "soft sell" your business to thousands of species. Here are just a few. advice to businesses on places to visit often to do things. But it is easily available for travelers with information overload. It 'like drinking from a fire hydrant. The travel agency offers a sighting of the gold mine, the outlook for gold and throw stones.

With Facebook, it is possible, the output is the guru in your niche. He announced a series of online seminars. Thinking of making use of sites such as BlogTalkRadio is a weekly trip and post your problems at hand on your wall. Create some potential customers and audio directly to a place where you learn, you can get the best of the trip at the least cost or trouble. Use your wall page for great photos, messages and send links to articles on a variety of travel experts (including you, of course). You can learn the secrets experienced traveler, how can the cleanest, safest hotels found. You can direct information to young people relatively calm. Fill out the places that offer the best opportunity to meet an international audience. Twitter has more ways to get your target and create a unique mark in half the time.

Since the travel industry is full of exciting events at once, has a golden opportunity to convey to his followers in real time. This is the rumor is in their direction. It is not necessary for the pump with a hard sell. This is a place where "build and they will be" really works. You can give many travelers carefully avoided consulting houses in developing countries, another exciting and desirable, such as Mexico and Egypt. These places sometimes have a bad reputation for jumping but no country, when in fact only a couple of easy cities or regions that are at risk to be avoided. The tour operator may not be very unique, but certainly feature much on trust. He earns the trust of its customers by providing reliable information about places to go and how to get there. The friendly and informal activities is to build seamlessly with Twitter, that confidence.

Expand staff share their passion with a great atmosphere for traveling. All types of people travel with all types of interests. Share some of your other passions in addition to travel and you will find that they are ready to come forward for the first time for everything related to travel. We will know in several ways. Fortunately for you, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, and everything else is easy to extend "them" to include millions.Both Facebook pages and Twitter, where -
• Building a community around your company and increase the 'exposure
• to inform visitors of what happened in world travel. Where are the places HOT? Where are the best targets for the deepest concerns?
• Ask the fans for their input and comments on their vacation experience. What were the most exotic, which is suitable for children, the historian, the most feared, most environmentally friendly. The list goes on.
• Creating contests and special offers
• Get a bit 'crazy and creative - have fun and relax
• You can provide valuable information for those who want to travel with the children and / or pets. The hotels with special services for children and pets are a great success with these people. Even if you do not know much of that information, I bet you know of any sites Twitter and Facebook can link to his page. Remember, it is necessary to create the content itself, but that does not mean take any extreme value to visitors in the right direction.
• advertise their new or improved services
• In this economy, many trips to exotic locations out of reach for many. What happens if a series of articles devoted to "staycation." Give you ideas on how to budget travelers can afford.
• What other issues relevant to your audience is interested? Please, for information: Tips for packing, shipping advice and alternative pets, racing games, sit-house resources and information, trip planning and how and when to start saving for the big trips, eating and what to do and do not s, while on the go - and related information. I bet that is a principle that the light shines on my head and now, right?
• Invite your video and pictures of local heating, near and far. Encourage your fans on Facebook, upload your photos to vote on vacation and the people on it. his photos and video on your best friend. We all want to dream a nice vacation. Help your visitors to realize that dream.

Andrea Kalli Virtual Trainer and Assistant, LLC offers a variety of business services. As a Certified Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant, specializing in social media optimization for organic search positioning through brand awareness and strategies for improving community building. Edit audio and video podcasts, teleseminars, audio books. Create products to sell and teaser for marketing. Supports their online marketing needs, such as website analytics, search engine marketing, email marketing and article marketing. With a background in terms of productivity and team training for users of Outlook and SharePoint, which offers video tutorials education through its website and e-learning.

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